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Software Engineer II

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Location: Manhattan, KS, United States
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Software Engineer II (Manhattan, KS):  Abstract requirements to analyze and design innovative new software solutions for enhancement of the company’s products. Develop Object Oriented Programming, .NET Core and ASP.NET server apps. Use Web API to add RESTful endpoints. Add and consume Docker containers for RabbitMQ, Redis and SQL. Employ Typescript and React for client-side web apps; Axios, Fetch and Ajax for server-side calls and parse JSON responses; CSS and SASS for branding. Create Azure DevOps pipelines and tasks to build, release, and test .NET, NPM, Docker build, Automation and API tests, and deploy to PR sites. Apply SOLID principles, use DDD to model the business domain, support RDM, and integrate apps in the .NET ecosystem. Develop loosely coupled components with dependency Injection. Create middleware for cross-cutting features of logging, error handling, validations, and auth. Scale containers with Kubernetes. Employ Zustand for state management, ESLint and Prettier for code quality, React Profiler to identify and fix bottlenecks, RPP and HOC design patterns, and Webpack to optimize production builds. Migrate products from CRA to Vite to boost module optimization and support HMR. Use NextJS and SSR to enhance SEO, SSG to pre-render webpages as static assets, and Azure Data Factory to consolidate data and feed it into Azure Blob. Implement and maintain SQL databases, and Redis cache clusters. Write SQL queries and Stored Procedures. Manage MongoDB databases. Retrieve data with GraphQL. Create C# Linq queries with joins and grouping clauses to filter and sort data. Implement encryption with standardized algorithms. Monitor database and clusters’ health and stability. Deliver end-to-end tested software solutions. Employ Jest and ViTest for client-side testing. Add unit tests for server-side components. Use Selenium for UI automation tests. Generate .NET SDKs with NSWAG to expose APIs to other products and for API testing. Generate custom SDKs with client authentication to remove security vulnerabilities. Use Cake to build JS SDKs for mobile apps. Calculate cycle time and track tasks with TargetProcess. Query Azure Application Insights logs to debug defects. Set up, configure, and assign Azure Web App resources. Implement authentication services. Use OAuth 2.0 and OIDC to enable SSO and allow secure API access, ADFS tokens and claims-based authentication to verify user identities and grant approved access, and Identity Provider OKTA to implement MFA and to assess permissions allotted to user sessions. Maintain security and compliance requirements. Monitor and block security threats in real-time. Implement NIST cybersecurity framework. Use Google Analytics and Gainsight to track users’ activity. Use Elasticsearch for full-text search. Write DSL queries for filtering. Develop reindexing processes for migration and database restructures. Scale indices to keep up with data loads. Develop interfaces to interact with AWS hosted zones and DNS records. Build mechanisms to disallow association of hosted zones with more than one domain to prevent route conflicts, record overwriting and keep SSL certificates valid. Mentor and coach team members, identify and suggest fixes for technical errors, performance setbacks and non-standard code. Run planning meetings.
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Information Technology or a related field.
Two years of experience in analysis, design, development, and testing software solutions to include:
  • Agile development practices and Object Oriented software development.
  • C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET, MVC, Web API and Docker.
  • Source Control Management with Git.
  • SQL Server, Stored Procedures and Entity Framework.
  • Database management with Mongo DB.
  • RabbitMQ.
  • Redis Cache.
  • Unit testing and writing testable code. End-to-end automation testing with Selenium.
  • React, Angular, Typescript, Ajax, JQuery, and JSON.
  • RESTful and GraphQL.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment and build pipelines using Azure DevOps.
  • TargetProcess.
  • Review peer code.
  • Azure cloud platform - Application Insights, Web Apps and Key Vault.
  • OIDC/OAuth 2.0, Identity Providers (ADFS and OKTA)
  • Build seamless integrations between multiple systems both internal and external.
  • Search technologies - ElasticSearch.